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2016-12-20 | 【  【关闭】



报告题目1Analysis on energy-water nexus by Sankey diagram: The case of China

报告人:欧训民 博士,清华大学

报告摘要:We visualize water utilization in China from source to service and onward to destination, using a Sankey diagram to analyze the energy-water nexus at the national level. The electricity required for water supply, treatment, utilization and post-use utilization comprised about 4–10 % of total national electricity consumption in 2009. Water used by energy-related industry represents an important contribution (about 14 %) of total water consumption and withdrawal in this country.



报告题目2Systems thinking towards a more sustainable future

报告人:Dr. Xiaoyu Yan, University of Exeter

报告摘要:In this talk, Xiaoyu will give a brief overview of the research most relevant to IGSNRR at University of Exeter and the work that is ongoing in his group around systems thinking in energy systems and environmental sustainability. He will also talk about potential areas for collaboration between IGSNRR and University of Exeter, e.g., Water-Energy-Food Nexus and relevant EU-China and UK-China research project proposals currently in development.

报告人简介Dr Xiaoyu Yan is Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Clean Technology and Renewable Energy at the Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter. Xiaoyu has a broad interest in Energy and the Environment and more than 10 years of experience in a range of interdisciplinary areas, including engine testing of biofuels, energy system modelling, and using life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the sustainability of bioenergy pathways, electricity generation, transport technologies, water systems, metal mining and waste processing operations.


报告时间:20161223日(周五)下午 2:00


主持人:汤秋鸿 研究员








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