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2017-07-11 | 【  【关闭】

报告题目:Effect of climate change and reservoir regulation on hydrology and water resource

报告人:Huilin Gao

报告人简介Dr. Huilin Gao is an assistant professor in Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in atmospheric sciences from Peking University, and her Ph.D. degree in water resources engineering from Princeton University. Before joining TAMU in the fall of 2012, she also worked at the Georgia Institute of Technology as a research faculty and at the University of Washington as a research associate. Dr. Gao’s research interests are hydrologic monitoring and prediction, climate change, land cover land use change, water resources management, water quality modeling, and satellite remote sensing in hydrology and ecology. Dr. Gao has authored/coauthored more than 30 peer reviewed journal publications and two book chapters. She was also a recipient of the CAREER Award by the US National Science Foundation in 2015.


主持人:汤秋鸿 研究员


地点:中国科学院地理资源所 地理科学馆411会议室

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