报告题目: Characteristics of precipitation based on the hourly CMORPH product 报告人:张永新 报告时间:2019年7月18日上午10:00 报告地点:地理所A0332会议室 报告人简介: 张永新博士为美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)项目科学家。他毕业于南京气象学院,之后在青海省气象局工作七年有余。他于2004年在美国夏威夷大学获得博士学位,随后分别在美国Los Alamos 国家实验室和华盛顿大学做博士后,研究气溶胶对气候的影响,区域大气污染扩散和传播途径,以及气候降尺度等。目前,他从事中尺度大气模式的应用与改进,气象观测资料的同化,青藏高原区域气候的变化和分析,沙尘暴的模拟和预测,降雨的分布和特征,WRF水文模式的应用,以及大气顶辐射的变化与气象要素的关系等研究。 摘要:Precipitation is characterized by a marked variability both in space and time and needs to be sampled with high spatial and temporal details. An hourly precipitation product is at least required for studying the full characteristics as an hour is reasonably consistent with the timescale of convective events. In this talk, I will present our recent analysis results based on the hourly CMORPH (Climate Prediction Center Morphing method) product at 0.25-degree resolution. Two specific questions we would like to ask are (a) how often does it rain and (b) what are the patterns of precipitation spatial correlation? 陆地水循环及地表过程院重点实验室 |