报告题目:Change of Groundwater System in a Highly-Urbanized Coastal Area in Hong Kong Over Last Century as a result of human activities 香港高密度建筑地基对地下水系统的影响 报告人:Dr. Jimmy J. Jiao (焦赳赳) (香港大学地球科学系) 时 间:2019年11月21日上午10:30-11:30 地 点:地理资源所A0901会议室 报告人简介:香港大学地球科学系教授,博士生导师。1986年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉),获水文地质工程地质专业硕士学位。1993年毕业于英国伯明翰大学土木工程学院,获博士学位。1997年进入香港大学地球科学系任教至今。曾长期担任《Ground Water》、《Hydrogeology Journal》等国际期刊的主编与副主编。英国伦敦地质学会(Fellow, Geological Society of London)、美国地质学会(Fellow,Geological Society of America)和美国土木工程师协会会员(Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers)。获得美国地下水协会2011年度John Hem杰出贡献奖。2013年以来一直任新加坡地下水资源评价顾问。 报告摘要:Many coastal areas in the world have been intensively urbanized since the number of people living and working on or near coastlines is growing. In Hong Kong, a majority of the total about 7 million people reside in a narrow strip of less than 1 km near the sea. Coastal areas are usually the ultimate discharge zones of regional groundwater flow systems. The construction of the buildings and underground transport systems usually requires extensive foundation and ground engineering work, including deep excavation, bored piles, grouting, diaphragm walls. The natural soil in the shallow depth of tens of meters, which is usually a zone with the most active groundwater flow movement, is then replaced by impermeable concrete materials. These foundation materials will modify the regional groundwater flow system and alter the dynamic interaction between groundwater and seawater. With case studies in Hong Kong Island, this presentation will discuss the change of groundwater level and submarine groundwater discharge due to structure foundations in the heavily populated coastal areas and the possible engineering and environmental consequences. |