报告题目:Cross-scale modelling of cropping systems 报告人:Enli Wang 首席科学家 主持人:张永强 研究员 时间:2023年10月11日(星期三)下午15:00-17:30 地点:地理资源所A901/腾讯会议室(557-330-954) 报告人简介: Enli Wang, 澳大利亚联邦科工组织首席科学家(Chief Scientist),国际著名作物学家,Field Crops Research期刊总主编,在Nature Plant、Nature Climate Change等期刊发表论文220余篇。长期致力于作物系统模型研究,开发了通用作物模型SPASS,并将其整合到了德国氮模拟框架Expert-N中,开发了ASPIM的通用作物模型。目前领导APSIM进一步发展,以更好地捕捉小麦和大麦的基因型、环境和管理相互作用,揭示作物对不同类型对干旱的响应和土地利用变化的生态水文效应。 报告内容简介: Cropping systems modelling can serve as an effective means to integrate multidisciplinary knowledge, identify knowledge gaps, and support development of land use policies. It’s applications have been extended to genotype-phenotype predictions, crop design, water/carbon/nutrient cycling and impact assessment of climate and land use changes. This presentation will introduce the farming systems model APSIM and how it simulates the genotype x environment x management (GxExM) interactions as they determine productivity and environmental outcomes. Examples will be given to illustrate how the model has been used to simulate crop responses to different types of drought and to evaluate impact of site-specific land use change on catchment hydrological responses. |