报告题目:Reconstructing and Forecasting Karst Spring Discharge with Deep Learning Approaches 报 告 人:周仁杰 Assistant Professor 时 间:2023年12月29日上午9点30 地 点:地理资源所A0848会议室 报告人简介: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental and Geosciences Sam Houston State University. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Deep learning and its applications in hydrology/hydrogeology; Heat transfer in the aquifer and fractured porous media with analytical and numerical modeling; Fluid flow and reactive solute transport in subsurface porous media with analytical and numerical modeling; Geochemical interactions between calcite solids and pore fluids during carbonate diagenesis. 在Journal of Hydrology、Hydrological Processes、Journal of Hydrologic Engineering、Environmental Science and Pollution Research等领域期刊发表论文近20篇并担任多个期刊审稿人,承担并参与萨姆休斯顿州立大学研究与赞助计划个人奖学金项目、科学与工程技术学院本科研究奖励项目、教学创新基金项目等多项教学科研任务,美国地球物理联合会(AGU)和美国石油地质学家协会(AAPG)的成员,负责教授Geologic and Environmental Hazards、Hydrogeology和Environmental Geology等课程。 本次报告主要介绍基于不同深度学习方法的岩溶泉流量数据重建及预测精度优化等方面的研究成果。 |