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2. Wang, Q.(王勤学), Xiao, Q., Liu, C., Wang, K., Ye, M., Lei, A., Song, X(宋献方). and Kohata, K. (2012) Effect of reforestation on nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in the catchment ecosystems of subtropical China: the example of the Hanjiang River basin. J Sci Food Agric 92(5), 1119-1129.
3. Wang, P.(王鹏), Song, X.(宋献方), Han, D.(韩冬梅), Zhang, Y. and Zhang, B. (2012) Determination of evaporation, transpiration and deep percolation of summer corn and winter wheat after irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 105, 32-37.
4. Han, D.M.(韩冬梅), Song, X.F.(宋献方), Currell, M.J. and Tsujimura, M. (2012) Using chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and tritium to improve conceptual model of groundwater flow in the South Coast Aquifers of Laizhou Bay, China. Hydrological Processes, DOI:10.1002/hyp.8450.
5. Yang, L.(杨丽虎), Song, X.(宋献方), Zhang, Y.(张应华), Yuan, R., Ma, Y., Han, D. and Bu, H. (2012) A hydrochemical framework and water quality assessment of river water in the upper reaches of the Huai River Basin, China. Environmental Earth Sciences.DOI:10.1007/s12665-012-1654-7.
6. Zhang, B.(张兵), Song, X.(宋献方), Zhang, Y.(张应华), Han, D., Tang, C., Yu, Y. and Ma, Y. (2012) Hydrochemical characteristics and water quality assessment of surface water and groundwater in Songnen plain, Northeast China. Water Res 46(8), 2737-2748.
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