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2017-11-01 | 【  【关闭】
发布处室:综合办公室   发布日期:2017-11-1


报告题目1Introduction of the department Catchment Hydrology in the frame of the UFZ Helmholtz Center of Environmental Research (Introduction of the institute and the department) 

报告题目2Understanding and prediction of floods in large scale (Modelling and data analysis)


报告人:Prof. Ralf Merz


报告人简介: Ralf Merz is head of the Department of Catchment Hydrology of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research and Full Professor of Catchment Hydrology at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) since 2011. His main expertise is in regional hydrology, catchment modelling, comparative hydrology, flood risk assessment and flood estimation and hydrology of water scarce regions. In his currently position as department head he is also responsible for an isotope laboratory and a research group on hydrology in arid regions. He is or has been involved in numerous research and consulting projects at the national and international level.


报告题目3Hydrogeology for an improved local and regional water security (Regional analysis and modeling of water and component fluxes)


报告人:Dr. Stefan Geyer


报告人简介: Stefan Geyer has a long experience as a leading project coordinator of several multi-national research projects, mainly in the Middle East. He is an expert in water resources evaluation and management, especially in water-scares regions. As well he is conversant with deep dumped waste water evaluation and radioactive waste storage investigations. He has authored or co-authored more than 120 full papers. His publications have been cited around 1800 times as per the ISI data base. He acts as a reviewer for several journals in the area of hydrogeology and isotope hydrology. He teaches hyrogeology at the University of Leipzig.


报告题目4Isotopic tools to solve problems of water transportation and contamination (Nitrate in groundwater, groundwater age, and surface water)


报告人:Dr. Stephan Weise


报告人简介:Stephan M. Weise is senior scientist of the Department of Catchment Hydrology of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research since 2011. His main expertise is in isotope hydrology, groundwater dating, and hydrology of water scarce regions. In his currently position he is also responsible for an isotope laboratory and a research group on hydrology in arid regions. He is or has been involved in numerous research and consulting projects at the national and international level.


主持人:宋献方 研究员


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